Saturday, May 17, 2008

Aaron Douglas

Aaron Douglas was a painter during the Harlen Renaissance who drew covers for many black publications including W.E.B. Dubois' The Crisis. In his painting, Into Bondage, he paints the scene of old-time slave trades. With the wild bushes and distant ocean with a ship ready to take the chained Africans to a new world to be put to work. In the distance of all this hardship there is a star with a shining light of hope for those chained Africans. The shining star symbolizes the great opportunities that lie ahead of these Africans. Into Bondage embodies the Harlem Renaissance in that this shining light from the star is a symbol of the freedom that the Africans are trying to obtain in America, its what keeps them going forward in their quest for equality.
Into Bondage by Aaron Douglas

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