Saturday, May 24, 2008

Harlem Renaissance versus Civil Rights Movement

The Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights Movement are similar in that they both were a time where African Americans were trying to find who they were and where they should stand in the world. These time periods are also similar in that one caused the other. The Harlem Renaissance caused the Civil Rights Movement in that the Harlem Renaissance gave African Americans in the Civil Rights Movement motivation to fight for their rights. The Harlem Renaissance gave inspiration in the form of literature, music, and art to the future generation that would being about the Civil Rights Movement.

The Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights Movement are different in that the Harlem Renaissance dealt with expressing the struggles the African Americans had been through by literature, music, and art, while the Civil Rights Movement dealt with African Americans pushing towards a future where black and whites were equal on all levels, politically and socially. The Harlem Renaissance was about looking into the past and seeing how far African Americans had gone, while the Civil Rights Movement was about looking forward and seeing how far they could go.


Anonymous said...

nice layout, good organization.
i love you suzanne

Sam said...

this is the worst blog ever... this is a pitiful excuse for a AP project...

haha jk...